Thursday, January 14, 2010

crazy painter likes food in odd but alluring way

From a fascinating story in the New Yorker by the reliably-brilliant Adam Gopnik, here's one thing Vincent Van Gogh had to say about Paul Gauguin, the painter who came to live with Van Gogh in Arles, shortly before Van Gogh sliced off the tip of his ear with a razor (unless Guaguin did it with a rapier) and ended up in a mental hospital:
He makes a really interesting friend--I must tell you that he knows how to cook perfectly, I think that I'll learn that from him, it's really convenient.
What an odd way to describe culinary talent! "Convenient" food isn't necessarily poor--in fact it can be quite good, if the ingredients are fresh and it is skillfully prepared--but one generally considers the convenient to be the enemy of the perfect. That is, by definition, if you cook something "perfectly" it probably required utmost attention and care and therefore is hardly "convenient."

Anyhow, found the passage striking, and I couldn't help but read it with one of those outrageous British accents, where you accennnnnntuate your woooooords and say things like "one simply musssttt try it: it' absolutely pehhhrrrrfect!"

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